Electric Strikes

Adams Rite Electric Strikes Folger Adams Electric Strikes hes Electric Strikes RCI Electric Strikes Von Duprin Electric Strikes


Electric door strikes -- sometimes also called electric door strikers -- are a lower-priced alternative to electric locks, are less noisy than some electric locks can be, and offer a faster installation process. An electric strike is also easier to use with an automatic door opener than an electric door lock, so they make it easier to comply with accessibility requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act. At US Lock Supply, we offer many different wholesale electric door strikes to meet your needs and applications.

We offer electric strikes for use with aluminum door jambs, hollow metal or wooden doors, and exterior doors that need a windstorm rated electric door strike. Our easy online ordering process makes it easy to order electric door strikes online for all your needs, at wholesale prices. Some of the electric strike brands we carry include Adams Rite, Folger Adam Electric Door Controls, HES, RCI and Von Duprin.

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