Detex Exit Devices

US Lock Supply offers several Detex products, including Detex panic bars, alarmed exit devices and related products that help keep your building safer while making it easy for people to exit in an emergency.

Our selection includes Detex alarmed exit devices, exit alarms, exit devices with alarms, and all types of panic devices and other security door hardware for commercial buildings. Our Detex products offer many ways to control the exits in commercial buildings, educational buildings like colleges and dormitories, institutional buildings, hospitals, nursing homes, large apartment buildings and anywhere you need to control and alarm the exits.

US Lock Supply carries the entire Detex line of products in all their options, with many in stock and ready to ship. Shop our Detex exit devices, door alarms and alarmed exit devices today, and find the right solution for your property.

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The highest price is $ 2,650.00

23 Products